Friday, October 31, 2008

Wow, Time Flies By

I just realized it's been two weeks since I've sat down and written anything. Rest assured, if anyone is checking, I'll have something up again soon (just not now...).

Well, while I'm here, I'll leave a quick something. (Amy, Rachel, please forgive me)

I don't remember which of the twins was there (I know, I know, I'm a horrible person...), but one of them while we were praying felt the Lord saying we just needed to lay down our pride and just worship the Lord.

I know in my own heart, I've been struggling in the humility department lately. So if no one else needed a reminder, I know I could take it and say "amen." And yet, I still found myself in opposition at points. There were things that I just couldn't in humility just let go of, in a sense. It was a struggle.

My point, though it is very brief, is that other people's responses don't determine your own. Amy or Rachel (again, sorry!!) heard from the Lord, and it was right on! But even though my heart wasn't found in full surrender to it by the end of the night, she has no need to feel discouraged or disheartened. And neither do I when someone refuses to hear reason or wisdom, or the Word of God.

The Lord is pleased when I as an individual do the Father's will. Other people's responses aren't as important. Jesus did exactly what the Father told Him, and He was hated and despised for it. Some accepted His words, but in the end He was killed for it. Look at Micaiah in 1 Kings chapter 22. He was thrown in prison for speaking the Word of the Lord. There were many many many other prophets saying what the king wanted to hear, but Micaiah said it plainly. The king refused to hear, and died because he would not hear the Word of the Lord.

I would say more, but classes call. I hope to say more later. The Lord is pleased by obedience, not response by others. If you proclaim the Word of God, and obey it yourself, the Lord is well pleased, for that is the will of God.



Hannah Nichole Atchley said...

Good Morning Justin,
I can't wait to hear more of what you have to say.

Unknown said...

Excellent comments concerning obedience!I enjoy your insights . . . even when you barely have enough time to share them.